30 sept 2009

Tesoros ocultos

Hidden treasures

Hace años tuve que ir al psicólogo durante aproximadamente doce meses. Tenía cosas pendientes conmigo misma y con otras personas que no me dejaban respirar tranquila. La psicóloga, entre otros ejercicios, me dijo que le escribiera un relato corto. Como no estoy demasiado capacitada para la literatura, le propuse hacer un cómic sobre algo que se me había ocurrido tiempo antes de estar en ese estado. Consintió encantada. Imagino que más de hablar sobre otros tormentos, quería evaluarme en cuanto a concentración, para ver si había dejado de lado mis obsesiones y problemas. Éste es el resultado...

Long time ago I attended to the psychologist for around twelve months. I had some unresolved things with myself and other people which did not let me breathe. My psychologist, as many other exercises, told me to write a short story. As I am not really able to write, I propose her to draw a comic about something I had thought time before feeling that way. She accepted delighted. I imagine she wanted to evaluate my concentration, instead of just talking about other torments, for checking if I had left my obsessions and problems. This is the result...

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Pues se borro el comentario anterior ¡Soy un fenómeno de la informática! Bueno, a lo que vamos, ¡El cómic está genial!

Anónimo dijo...

here in Finland we have reindeers all around, we drink plain vodka in the breakfast and go to sauna every other day!!! We call Santa Joulupukki and he is a big fat drunk, with a big heart. He eats reindeer as well.

But we do not have such a funny comic strips!!! When we want to have fun, we eat magic mushrooms that grow in our windows in winter time and a little vodka too...

We also play with knives and axes and fire guns when we get little tipsy, but that's OK, because our foreign minister says Finland is a tough place and shooting to each other is part of our culture; children shoot to other children in school too, but that's our nature, we cant help it!!!!